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葡萄酒目錄 > 
Biondi-Santi Il Greppo Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 2008
價錢: HK$ 1,180.00
數量  缺貨中
酒莊 Biondi-Santi Il Greppo Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 2008
年份 2008
產區 奇揚笫
葡萄品種 桑嬌維斯
類型 紅葡萄酒
甜度 乾身不甜
酒身 中身
Exceptional harvest at Il Greppo with a regular temperature. The spring was humid and the summer was hot and long with rainfalls at regular intervals. The Harvest began on September 10th with cold temperature and rainfalls at the end of the picking. Grapes were healthy, with thick skins and rich in colour. The resulting must was rich in sugar, extracts, and acidity with 3,4 pH. Vinification in red under controlled temperature, the wine was drawn off after 15 days. Uncork, remove a small amount of wine from the bottle and allow to aerate for at least 8 hours before serving. By Biondi Santi Official Website.
評分 WE95 / RP92 / WS92 / JS91
酒精度 13%
容量 750毫升
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